Hello Guys!! Today we will discuss In this tutorial, how to create a 3D extrusion from a 2D layer, and how to change things like lighting. This tutorial will use Photoshop’s 3D features to achieve a chrome effect. Don’t worry if you are new to Photoshop 3D. This is a step-by-step tutorial that anyone could follow along and you will enjoy it
Images used:
- Stock: BLUE BACKGROUND from freepik
Fonts used:
- Arial Black
Step 01
- Open the Photoshop software.
- Go to “File” and click on open (you can select any background).
- Now double click on the background layer and unlock it.
- Click on Text Tool and select Text horizontally.
- Use the font as you want. Here I’m using Arial Black.
- Write on the background as I wrote 3D.

Step 02
- Go to the “3D MENU” and click on “NEW 3D EXTRUSION FROM SELECTED LAYER”.
- Click on the current view layer.
- Now go to the properties panel.
- Click on view and save it.
- Click on the 3D penal and then go to the “PROPERTIES PANEL” then click on the “SHAPE PRESET” and select the 2nd one in the 2nd row.
- Below SHAPE PRESET there is “EXTRUSION DEETH level” so adjust the level by drag the level pointer.
- Now press shift and click on the first material layer and then the last material layer all the material layer will be selected.
- Now drag the reflection level-up to 100%.
- Go again on “Environment layer” then go to the properties panel. Click on icon “map of image base lighting” and remove the texture. Now again click on that icon then select New texture and press ok (it will look white).
- Go to the layers panel, select background layer then press ctrl+A to make a selection around the canvas.
- Now go to Edit menu click on a copy (ctrl+C) then press ctrl+D to deselect and go back to 3D model.
- Select Environment layer go to the IBL in the properties panel and select added texture a new tab will be open.
- Now paste by ctrl+V, obviously, the image has been cropped. So go to the image menu and click on reveal all (all the pixels reveal on new canvas). Then simply close the image base lighting and save it. Then ok.

Step 03
- Click on the infinite light layer (basically control the direction of light).
- Now click and drag the handle to adjust the light direction.
- You can also adjust the light color to click on the color icon in the properties penal.
- Also, you can change the softness of the shadow to drag the level according to your image.

Step 04
- Select the 3D layer.
- Open on the 3D Menu and click on Split Extrusion (which separate both the words and you can move separately each word). Then click OK.
- First, go to the “D layer” and adjust the look of D by dragging the cursor right and left on the canvas.
- Do the same on selecting the “3 layer” and adjust.
- Now select the “ENVIRONMENT layer” then click on the “RENDER BUTTON” (the rendering take some time its depend on the file size, power of the computer, So wait for the computer to render the entire scene).

Step 05
- Now go back to the layers penal.
- Click on the adjustment layer button and select black&white.
- Now select the 3D layer and create a level adjustment layer by selecting it from the adjustment layer button.
- Now from the properties panel, We can adjust the brightness of the object by dragging the levels right or left, You can also use the “Curve” to adjust the levels.
- Now change the blending mode to Luminosity.
- Now delete the black&white layer.
- Select all the layers by keep pressing on “Ctrl” and click on each layer which selects all the layers.
- Now right click and select “Convert to smart object”.

Step 06
- Select the background layer and go to the FILTER MENU then select CAMERA RAW FILTER.
- Now here you can adjust the color of the image.
- Then click on the detail panel and adjust the sharpening.
- Then press OK.

Step 07
- Now right click on the image layer and select CONVERT TO SMART OBJECT.
- GO to the filter MENU then blur gallery and click on TILT-SHIFT.
- Now blur the background and that set.
- HERE, your 3d model is ready.

This is how the final result looks like